Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1221 12th St- Lots of Small Tasks

Things are progressing well at our 5-unit condo project. I'm hoping to have the drywall up by the end of next week, which is definitely possible. Right now we're working on all of the small tasks that have to be completed before the walls are closed-in. The biggest project right now is preparing the basement for the new concrete slab.

In this picture, you can see Andre preparing the drain in the basement that will drain to the sump pump. It's wrapped in a fabric and then surrounded by gravel to help keep dirt from clogging the small holes meant for water.

Here's a ceiling on the second floor unit. We ran 2 x 4's to hang the sheetrock because the original joists aren't 100% straight. This isn't because they've moved, but it happens because 125 years ago they cut them all by hand, so the cuts on each one aren't perfectly straight. To correct this, we ran a chalk line and then notched the 2 x 4 so it's level.

Here's a closeup of the soundproof boxes we built around all the recessed lights. This prevents sound from going up through the spaces above the light. We built the boxes out of cement board and fire-rated sheetrock.

This is a perfect example of one of the small but important projects that needs to be complete before you hang the drywall. The stand-up showers have to have the mortar placed underneath the rubber membrane.

This is the kitchen in the top floor unit. You can see all of the orange fire sprinklers and the metal duct for the hood exahaust. This one is all done and ready to close-in.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1221 12th st NW- More Progress

Things are really moving along at 1221 12th st and we're on track to finish in March- April. The condos look really awesome and have a great mix of historical elements and new features. At this point, we've got about half of the mechanical and plumbing rough-in work done, and hope to start electric later this week. Next week, we will tackle the basement, and insulate the rest of the house. I'd like to have the sheetrock up by the end of the month.

The upstairs unit is all framed and the plumbers were working here today. The ceilings are at least 16 ft tall in the main living area.

The new steps are installed and are a straight shot up from the front door, which was the best layout to maximize the space.

Throughout the house, masons are working to repoint the brick, which will be exposed.

Here's the bathroom and master closet in the first floor. Lots of wood!

At the rear of each unit, the walls are all framed out for the new windows and patio doors. We're waiting to knock out the brick until the doors come in from the manufacturer.