Monday, July 16, 2007

412 Mellon- Framing Well Underway

It's been a while since the last post, and I apologize. We've been so busy rehabbing that there hasn't been much time to sit down and update the blog. Anyways, things are definitely cruising along. We sold the house at 635 N. Bentalou to a first time homebuyer who was very happy with her purchase. We also just started a new rehab at 718 I St. NE in DC, which should be beautiful. I'll upload pics of the house later this week.

Mellon is coming along well. The bottom two units are pretty much fully framed out and we're working on the upstairs now. We also cleared out all of the trees on the side of the house to allow for off-street parking.

Here's the view from the side of the building. This house will look stunning once we paint it and add some curb appeal:

Here's the bottom right unit. You can make out the bathroom straight ahead:

Here's one of the walk-in closets in the bottom right unit:

This is the current status of the upstairs units. The framer in this picture is over 6 ft tall, which will give you a good idea of how big these units really are:

We're hoping to get either the plumber or the electrician to come in next week and start running the rough-ins. Check back to see our progress.


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